The bus driver dream may have several meaning depending on the circumstances of the dream. The bus driver who is driving the bus with confident and you feel happy while being driven, shows that you have someone in your life who is very important to you. The bus driver could also mean that this person has a very big influence in your life. If you are the bus driver and driving many people in the bus, it shows that you feel appreciated and respected by those you are surrounded by. The crash of the bus shows that you who was driving the bus or another person who was the driver is unable to control the situation.
Dream dictionary: Bus driver dream meanings
If you dream of the school bus, then such dream shows the new destinations of your life, that you are willing to make yourself a better person and gain more experience in life. To be a driver of the bus, means that you wish to take control over someone else and make the better life for them.
Dreaming that you are driving a large vehicle without this being your usual occupation, a bus driver for example, but not carrying passengers, indicates that in real life you will go from bad to worse in all matters, including the sentimental matters.
(Carrier | Carrying weight | Burdens | Forbearance | Serving others) In a dream, a porter or a carrier represents a school bus driver who is entrusted with bringing the children to school, then taking them back home. Whatever appear- ance he shows in the dream, it will indicate the mental state of the school bus driver. A porter in a dream also represents someone who is carrying his own sins and burdens. To see oneself as a porter in a dream means doing penance. If a porter enters before a sick person in a dream, it means recovering from an illness. (Also see Tithe collector)